Your creativity determines what this game will become.

Which game have you played lately where you thought you could design better yourself? What is the last feature you thought is crap?

Imagine you could change this !
Imagine you submit an idea and someone implements it !
The game would be to develop the game !
We call this concept: Continuous Game Deployment

WHAT is Continuous Game Deployment?

• At first there is a very very simple basic game.
• Then you come and tell us: What should we improve?
• A difficult challenge, but we have accepted it.

WHY have we invented Continuous Game Deployment?

• Why ignore game projects the experience of their players?
• We want to break rules. We want to be different!
• We want YOU as a games designer.

HOW does Continuous Game Deployment work?

1) Collect Ideas: Submit your improvements
2) Filter Ideas: Creativity and coolness make the TOP 10
3) Vote Ideas: Choose from the TOP 10, what to implement

Might the ideas be with you!!

Why screenshots if you can start immediately?

That up there is already the game. ... err, well at least a demo ... I mean a stripped ... Well at least something that that you can improve with your ideas, and that how you play:

Move Landscape

Raise Mode

Lower Modes

I.S.S. - Idea Submission System

I.S.S. is a feedback system focused only two things: Typing and Sending.

If you have a cool ideas how we can improve the game "further more", just tell us.

Simply type your idea here, and submit it.

I'd like to improve the design of Metropolis City.

Tell me how you'd improve the visuals of this game:

222 left Submit Idea


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